Q:What are the differetiates between JIEHUANG CHIYANG with other supplier?

A:Profeession and reliability.
Our advantages are multiple available technologies, strong quality assurance, and good at project & supply chain management.

Q:Is there a cost for JIEHUANG CHIYANG service?

A:There is no additional cost above the product and tooling price except third party service.

Q:Will I be able to visit the supplier myself?

A:Yes, you can contact us in advance for the visit time.

Q:How to deal with the quality problem?


a. With our partners we perform APQP at an early stage in each project.

b. Our factory must fully understand the quality concerns from customers and implement product & process quality requirements.

c. Our quality professionals who perform patrol inspection in our factories. We perform final inspection before the goods are packed.

d. We have 3rd party inspectors who perform final audit checks on the packed goods prior to dispatch from China.

Q:Can you take responsibility for me?

A:Of course, I'm happy to help you! But I just take responsibility for my products.
Please offer a test report, if it was our fault, absolutely we can make a compensation for you, my friend!

Q:Do you like to serve the client only with small orders?

A:We enjoy to grow up together with all our clients whatever big or small.
You will become bigger and bigger to be with us.